American Embassy School

Meeting teachers from so many schools helps validate our collective struggle and optimism about Inclusion.

Radhika Adhikari
Radhika Adhikari

American Embassy School

“I’ve already recommended it to a colleague for next year.

The presentations were practical, focused, and had immediate implications for my teaching on Monday. The most powerful PD is the kind that you can actually implement and it was great to have so many educators with concrete strategies.”

Amanda Rydberg
Amanda Rydberg

American International School in Johannesburg

Learning about the office of Overseas Schools and their role. Reducing Bias and Supporting Children by Denise Padgett

Those were my two favorites!

Adrienne Hawthorne
Adrienne Hawthorne

American International School of Vietnam

Connections and resources sharing

Sally Loughborough
Sally Loughborough

American School Bombay

The sessions on High Ability, and AI in learners with different profiles.
– Very rich discussions around support for High Ability and Gifted Students.
– AI oriented support discussions were very useful.

Shany Abraham
Shany Abraham

American School of Bombay

I loved that there were a variety of workshops to go to and was so well organised.

Krupali Chheda
Krupali Chheda

American School of Bombay

“Meeting like-minded educators from around the world.
Lots of good strategies were exchanged during casual conversations and networking.
Anita Churchville’s pre-conference session was a big highlight.
So many familiar faces from last year’s conference – it felt like a big, warm reunion :)”

Maya Krishnadas
Maya Krishnadas

Beacon School

The variety of topics/sessions is really good

Patricia Mae
Patricia Mae

Berkeley International School

I loved the wide variation of session topics that were available and the highly practical suggestions and ideas that came with each of them. The sessions were excellent but the conversations I was able to have with other teachers in my position were just as meaningful for my professional development. Learning support can be an isolating position sometimes and it was so inspiring to meet people doing similar work to me but in slightly different ways. I already feel like I’m a better learning support teacher because of this conference.

I also really enjoyed the SENIA teacher rep meetup.

Shelly Schutte
Shelly Schutte

Binh An Special Preschool – Binh Duong, Vietnam

I really like the division of presentations and reasonable timing

Chi Thanh Nguyen
Chi Thanh Nguyen

British School Manila

I enjoyed the keynote speeches on both days; they’re both inspiring. I also loved the lunches as I got the chance to chat with the other attendees.

Anabelle Pamolarco
Anabelle Pamolarco

Canadian Academy

“The professional staff and helpers were amazing.
Some real quality presenters as well.
There was a wide range of sessions offered.”

Kris Schickler
Kris Schickler

Canadian International School Phnom Penh

The amount of fantastic presenters and colleagues sharing within sessions. The warmth that the school and SENAI staff welcomed everyone with. The high level of experts within our field that were relevant and forward thinking.

Jennifer McCoy
Jennifer McCoy

Canadian International School Phnom Penh

“Too many to mention! What great keynotes – they had me in tears so many times. 🙂

The sessions were really informative and the speakers were well-prepared.

The food was incredible and conference was well-planned. Great venue.

Everyone was so friendly!”

Amber Sorenson
Amber Sorenson

Chinese International School

“Some excellent workshops! Great for the opportunities to meet with like-minded and like-jobbed teachers across the globe!
Extras were great as well, such as the craft market, student panel – this was excellent.”

Victoria Astle
Victoria Astle

Concordia International School Hanoi

The level of expertise and knowledge of the presenters are excellent. In addition, I appreciate their positive attitudes, willingness to explain concepts and ahare ideas, clarity of visual aids and handouts, and opportunities to ask questions. Thank you SENIA for organizing this wonderful event!

Precious Faith Lubaton
Precious Faith Lubaton

Deutsche Schule Kobe International

The experiences shared by many speakers and how these impacted their perspectives about their own teaching and learning.


Dulwich College (Singapore)

“The keynote speakers were fantastic and relevant. I enjoyed the networking and being with peers from across the globe, in a space where we all understand and speak the language of inclusion. Most of all, I appreciated having a choice of workshops that were relevant to areas I work specifically in and hearing how others are doing things.
Thank you to all the orgainsers- you did an incredible job!”

Julie Smith
Julie Smith


“I loved to focus on building sustainable system for schools. Presenters who had workshops around this topic did a great job of breaking this huge concept into manageable chunks and really helped grow my knowledge around this area.
The SENIA conference is always a great place to meet likeminded professionals and share learning. I made meaningful connections with the topic and the attendees.

I loved the student helpers – they were very helpful in showing us around the school when needed and it was great to see them getting involved.”

Eilidh Kelso
Eilidh Kelso

Harare International School

The opportunity to connect and reflect across practices in schools all over the world.

Chantal Theron
Chantal Theron

Harare International School

I enjoyed all the topics I attended. I liked the idea of choosing my own area of attendance which gave me the opportunity to go to areas relevant to my teaching needs. The topics covered were practical. There was also a variety choice of topics with great enrichment although I could not attend some of the topics I needed. The organization was also good in so many areas. Having presenters posting notes and resources on the app will allow me to go back and download them without so much pressure. Transport to and fro hotels so efficiently organized. Thank you SENIA organizers.

Svodai Zvirawa
Svodai Zvirawa

Hong Kong international school

It was so incredible to work, experience, the presenters, and just see people, face-to-face!
*** I already filled this out but didn’t print the certificate 🙂

Melissa Sentman
Melissa Sentman

ICS Addis

The learning and community; the wealth of useful information

Denise Padgett
Denise Padgett

ICS Bangkok

The speakers, especially the ones for Differentiating the difference between EAL, Learning support…etc, and the UDL workshop was AMAZING. The keynote speakers were also great.

Dorothy Wadman
Dorothy Wadman

Imago Work

I learned many good things and have ideas that i can do in my class.

Lien Trinh
Lien Trinh

Imago Work

Sessions were amazing!It was so wonderful to have a sensory-friendly space to watch the main sessions.

Kristen Lewis
Kristen Lewis


Speaker provide new things, useful for me to apply with my students (mindfulness, emotion)

Nhung Nguyễn Thị
Nhung Nguyễn Thị

Ingenuity Education

My partner and I thoroughly enjoyed Andrew Hoover’s presentation. That was unexpected and very informative; just excellent.

Jacqueline Stewart
Jacqueline Stewart

International Christian School Hong Kong

I did enjoy having access to the slides prior to presentations. I greatly appreciate the variety of presenters. Having all of the Cynthia board members in T-shirts made it easy to find people and ask questions. I greatly appreciated hearing from variety of groups, educators, companies, parents and students.

Tammy Cole
Tammy Cole

International Community School

I really loved the sessions on EAL and Learning Differences, Regulation before Education, and the Tier 1 UDL session. All of those were really high caliber and included great information that is useful and applicable right away. I loved walking away with resources and action steps!

Jana Barr
Jana Barr

International Community School – Bangkok

Meeting so many people, hearing innovative ideas, and being able to bounce ideas off other people. There were so many insightful sessions that were full of helpful information.

Marcel Burrough
Marcel Burrough

International Community School, Bangkok

It was great to walk away with strategies I can use immediately and resources I can modify to my environment/students.

Julia Biasi
Julia Biasi

International School Ho Chi Minh City

It was a conference that provided opportunities to make connections and share a common language. The keynote speakers and presenters provided provocations and space for us to stretch our system’s edges. This is such an important conference for leaders and practitioners to attend so that authentic collaboration can truly emerge in our schools that ensures that learning is accessible for all and helps us create a more just world for our young people.

Kim Green
Kim Green

International School Ho Chi Minh City – American Academy

The speakers’ enthusiastic sharing of knowledge and tools to reduce work overload. As well as the speakers’ experience, expertise, and enthusiasm made me more motivated effort to participate in the conference throughout the three days.

Bao Huynh
Bao Huynh

International School of Ulaanbaatar

“The learning support people in attendance were validated – you could feel how happy they were to be among their peers in this special way.
A good variety of topics were covered during the sessions.
I liked that the food was ‘pre-paid’ – we didn’t have to mess about with money at lunch time, just grab what we wanted and go!
Student helpers were great.
I liked the option of hearing the key note speakers in the theatre, or live-streamed in the other rooms. The choice accommodated different types of learners.
The 3 days (2 + pre-conference) made the trip worthwhile.
The social & craft sale were good too!
Nice work, everyone!”

Jeanne Peloquin
Jeanne Peloquin


SENIA Board rocked it!

Heather Naro
Heather Naro

ISHCMC Primary

“This was my first SENIA conference and I will prioritize it as part of my PD from here on out! I really enjoyed being in an atmosphere with like-minded people. As a Grade 3 homeroom teacher I think it is so important to spread the word of this work. I have already begun doing that!

I enjoyed all of the sessions I attended but was particularly impacted by the pre-conference deep dive with Jessica Wei Huang.”


“I really enjoyed the wide range of options for workshop sessions. It was nice that some sessions were repeated, too, so that you didn’t necessarily have to miss out.
I particularly got a lot out of the session with Heidi from SAS on distinguishing the difference between EAL needs versus Language Impairment versus SLD. I would recommend having her speak at future conferences!”

Karen Santosuosso
Karen Santosuosso


I totally enjoyed networking. All the sessions were very insightful and engaging. It was wonderful to be able to connect with like-minded colleagues and to learn about what other schools are doing.



I enjoyed the variety of presentations, the food was great, Networking time was fun and the happy hour with meeting so many others was a blast. The live band also Rocked!

Chris Norman
Chris Norman

ISNS (Shenzhen, China)

Thank you SENIA and International School of Ho Chi Minh. I enjoy the experience of meeting amazing speakers and educators around the world. The topics given are very hands-on and help me to scaffold myself on the importance of inclusion in every aspect of students’ learning journey. I look forward to joining the SENIA conference in 2025. Special thank you to the SENIA team that has been so wonderful in organizing this amazing event.

Putri Wanna
Putri Wanna


Loved lots of little things like announcement reminders, signage, grab and go food at lunch, general organisation was good!

Lex Hamilton
Lex Hamilton


The networking. Lots of wonderful inclusive journeys by schools shared.

Nicky Woodward
Nicky Woodward


Besides one of the keynote speakers the rest of the presentation were amazing!!!

Emily Simbana
Emily Simbana

Kaohsiung American School

As a first time in-person conference attendee, I came away being honored to be a part of a global organization that is driving forward the mission of creating a more inclusive world. Often times, the work that we do can feel isolating and heavy day in and day out, yet my entire team came away with a greater focus on the “why.” The breakout sessions allowed each member to select topics relevant to their interests and schoolwide focus, therefore, increasing our overall capacity as a school. At times, we were reminded that we are doing good work as we were able to share our own journey and at other times we were inspired by those who have gone before and could impart their wisdom. The conference staff were incredible; they were present, supportive, and organized. I liked that it was easy to recognize them throughout the conference and that students also provided support. The school was lovely and a tremendous host. Breakouts by and large were effective.

Hannah McIntosh
Hannah McIntosh

Kaohsiung American School Taiwan

It being my first SENIA conference, it was amazing to be around so many light minded individuals and acquire knowledge to better myself and the student(s).

Audrey Sifunganyambe
Audrey Sifunganyambe

Kaoshiung American School

Excellent communication leading up to the conference. Fantastic location and great food. The pre-session with Jessica and sessions with Renee, Alejandro and the Advisory team (from ISHCMC and ICSA — I can’t recall their names…) were inspiring and left me with tools I can apply immediately.

Chelsea Armstrong
Chelsea Armstrong

Keystone Academy

The ability to share and discover ways other schools are making great changes in the right direction

Meera Raghu
Meera Raghu

KIS International School

It was an incredibly enriching experience. The workshop provided valuable insights into creating inclusive environments in educational settings. I learned about various strategies and best practices that I am excited to implement in my school to better support all students.

Marie Claude Helie
Marie Claude Helie

Lanna International School

I loved the pre conference workshop with Jessica where she did a beautiful build up across the day aligned with themes of belonging and identity. This permeated other presentations across the conference and felt really impactful and cohesive.

Rebekah Wallace
Rebekah Wallace

Lincoln Community School

I enjoyed the Pre-conference workshops, the Student Panel & the opportunity to Network with participants.

Heena Chandru Vaswani
Heena Chandru Vaswani

Mahindra International school

I enjoyed every session I went to. I came with certain questions and I am happy to go back with the answers. So thank you for this amazing community.

Rajini Ramnath
Rajini Ramnath

Mallya Aditi International School, Bangalore, India

As special educators, many things that were discussed are what we already do but it’s always good to have a refresher and hear other perspectives. Great meeting so many people in the field and realizing that some struggles are universal! Was an enriching three days.

Navaz Hormusjee
Navaz Hormusjee

Morrison Academy

The speakers and sessions were incredible. It was a really meaningful conference.

Teri Pittman
Teri Pittman

Morrison Academy

I loved the full day pre-conference with Jessica. Getting to go deeper with a full day was helpful and gave time for us to think of issues within our own school settings that we want to go back and bring change to.

Shelby Seybert
Shelby Seybert

MYIS International School

All of it. The presenters were great. The networking opportunities was nice.

Ansophie Niemand
Ansophie Niemand

Nanjing Internacional School

Sharing with others
The expertise and passion”

Ginna Daza
Ginna Daza

Nexus International School

Meeting other colleagues and listening to their stories from a different school perspective.

Philip McCabe
Philip McCabe

NIST International School

Organisation was incredible. SENIA members were easily identifiable and available to chat and answer questions. Attendees were lovely people and enthusiastic. It’s incredible what you guys have done since you started in that basement all those years ago! There will be at least the same four of us coming again next year.

Henry Cordy
Henry Cordy

Northshore Learning

Keynote speakers were dynamic. They both had messages that continue to linger with me and challenge me to grow personally and professionally.

Greta Schramm
Greta Schramm


I loved most of the workshops I attended and the networking.

Kari Jennings
Kari Jennings


Connecting with other teachers and schools; hearing from parents and students.

Lissa Mason
Lissa Mason

Ruamrudee International School

I found the breakout sessions I attended to be well done and meaningful. I have a few things that I am excited to put into practice in the next couple of weeks. The networking opportunities were also well worth the trip, it’s great to connect with likeminded individuals from around the world.

Turner McGill
Turner McGill

Ruamrudee International School

I enjoyed many different interesting topics which directly related to my job. I like it when there’re many choices to choose. Also I got to meet people who face the similar situations and share those experiences to each other. That makes joining the conference meaningful to me.

Parichart Keaopon
Parichart Keaopon

Ruamrudee International School

The speakers were experts in their field and also inspiring. It helped to have people to have guidance on each floor including the students. I appreciated the variety of healthy snacks and lunch choices. Also, having a shuttle bus helped a lot. Thank you!

Dalia Umanskiy
Dalia Umanskiy

SENIA International

Great location, presenters, networking, raffles, and snacks! Different feel achieved in a positive way.

Gerald Anthony
Gerald Anthony

Shanghai American School

I liked that there were a kot of sessions to choose from and that people were not restricted to the sessions they initially signed up for.

Blenda Abul
Blenda Abul

Shanghai Community International School

I loved networking with other like minded individuals. It validated the high quality programming our school currently has and how far we have come. I thought the conference was very well organized and thought out. There was one session with SAS on EAL where I had a major take away.

Kristi Dahlstrom
Kristi Dahlstrom

SJA Jeju

So many wonderful, knowledgeable presenters! The presenters that provided their (very valuable) resources made it easier to engage knowing we could access the info later. Thank you, what an engaging and insightful conference!

Jennifer Marotto
Jennifer Marotto

Stamford American International School

I absolutely loved the pre conference on gifted learners! It was a long day, but every bit was insightful and meaningful. I also especially loved Patricia Moore’s keynote, and am grateful for the chance to connect with other like-minded professionals in the field. The conference was smooth and well-organised, and I had everything I needed as a presenter. Thank you!!!

Mahima Bhalla
Mahima Bhalla

Sunway International Schools

“Great organization of everything.
Great communication.
Lots of opportunities for networking.
Great presenters.
Great food.

Sylvie Thibault
Sylvie Thibault

Surabaya Intercultural School

The sessions & keynotes gave me a lot of inspiration & takeaways that I can put into action as soon as I return to my school. That has made the trip absolutely worth it!

Yasoda Deva
Yasoda Deva

Surabaya Intercultural School

The sessions were very practical and helpful, especially since I learned new tools that I can use with my students. I also love that there were sessions where we could hear directly from parents and students about their school and personal experiences. Overall, it was a great conference. Thank you!

Pam Caberte
Pam Caberte


The keynote speakers were amazing, very inspirational.

Melissa Ma
Melissa Ma


Loved it all. The networking, sessions, learning, getting new ideas, the host school was amazing! Great food, loved the happy hour and vendors. Whova is wonderful, too – great resource and easy to access info. First conference in 7 years, loved it!

Jason Thornberg
Jason Thornberg


Main speakers were inspiring!

Lika Li
Lika Li

The American International School of Johannesburg

“Food was good
Loved the two keynotes
Organization was amazing”

Carla Guedes
Carla Guedes

The American International School of Johannesburg

The presentations were wonderful and it was great meeting with professionals around the world.

Stephanie Zuidervliet
Stephanie Zuidervliet

The international school of Macao

Conferences with practical tools

Karine Estadieu
Karine Estadieu

The KAUST School

The variety of workshops was amazing. I wish I could have gone to more.

Zachary Berezowski
Zachary Berezowski


Opening address was heartwarming and meaningful. I learned new things about SENIA for eg logo was designed by a student, and SENIA’s evolution over the years.

Gail Tok
Gail Tok

Tokyo International School

The best thing we can do to support students with needs/challenges is to hear what they have to say—and notice how they are perceiving and participating in learning experiences. We must ride the silver linings wave and create experiences that embrace and embed student voice and perspective. And when in doubt of how best to support students—just ask them!

Karen Robiso
Karen Robiso

UNIS Hanoi

the topics are interesting and I am able to find a session that meets my needs at every time frame

Kim Nguyen
Kim Nguyen

UNIS Hanoi

“Jessica Wei Huang was outstanding- both the pre- conference and her amazing keynote. Lots of great connections and lots of learning.a deep dive into inclusion, belonging and identity. I am going back richer for having been here.” All the many connections, the excellent organization, great reception by the host school, delicious food, lots of warm friendly faces around and lots of GREAT learning. I am definitely richer for having attended.

Nitasha Crishna
Nitasha Crishna

Utahloy International School Guangzhou

It was great to connect with others in my field. I’m the only person in primary for learning support so just having someone to connect with was really beneficial. I also liked how all the sessions had a lot of interaction. Normally at a conference it can be so tiring if it is lecture based so it was nice we had opportunities to collaborate and learn from peers.

Joe Mock
Joe Mock

UWC Thailand

It was wonderful to network and speak with other people from different schools and hear their perspectives. I enjoyed the workshops most when there was a chance to talk with others and brainstorm together.


Vinschool Times City T36

Discussions. Case studies. Pedagogy. networking opportunities.

Michael Bucksmith
Michael Bucksmith

American Embassy School

Meeting teachers from so many schools helps validate our collective struggle and optimism about Inclusion.

Radhika Adhikari
Radhika Adhikari

American Embassy School

“I’ve already recommended it to a colleague for next year.

The presentations were practical, focused, and had immediate implications for my teaching on Monday. The most powerful PD is the kind that you can actually implement and it was great to have so many educators with concrete strategies.”

Amanda Rydberg
Amanda Rydberg

American International School in Johannesburg

Learning about the office of Overseas Schools and their role. Reducing Bias and Supporting Children by Denise Padgett

Those were my two favorites!

Adrienne Hawthorne
Adrienne Hawthorne

American International School of Vietnam

Connections and resources sharing

Sally Loughborough
Sally Loughborough

American School Bombay

The sessions on High Ability, and AI in learners with different profiles.
– Very rich discussions around support for High Ability and Gifted Students.
– AI oriented support discussions were very useful.

Shany Abraham
Shany Abraham

American School of Bombay

I loved that there were a variety of workshops to go to and was so well organised.

Krupali Chheda
Krupali Chheda

American School of Bombay

“Meeting like-minded educators from around the world.
Lots of good strategies were exchanged during casual conversations and networking.
Anita Churchville’s pre-conference session was a big highlight.
So many familiar faces from last year’s conference – it felt like a big, warm reunion :)”

Maya Krishnadas
Maya Krishnadas

Beacon School

The variety of topics/sessions is really good

Patricia Mae
Patricia Mae

Berkeley International School

I loved the wide variation of session topics that were available and the highly practical suggestions and ideas that came with each of them. The sessions were excellent but the conversations I was able to have with other teachers in my position were just as meaningful for my professional development. Learning support can be an isolating position sometimes and it was so inspiring to meet people doing similar work to me but in slightly different ways. I already feel like I’m a better learning support teacher because of this conference.

I also really enjoyed the SENIA teacher rep meetup.

Shelly Schutte
Shelly Schutte

Binh An Special Preschool – Binh Duong, Vietnam

I really like the division of presentations and reasonable timing

Chi Thanh Nguyen
Chi Thanh Nguyen

British School Manila

I enjoyed the keynote speeches on both days; they’re both inspiring. I also loved the lunches as I got the chance to chat with the other attendees.

Anabelle Pamolarco
Anabelle Pamolarco

Canadian Academy

“The professional staff and helpers were amazing.
Some real quality presenters as well.
There was a wide range of sessions offered.”

Kris Schickler
Kris Schickler

Canadian International School Phnom Penh

The amount of fantastic presenters and colleagues sharing within sessions. The warmth that the school and SENAI staff welcomed everyone with. The high level of experts within our field that were relevant and forward thinking.

Jennifer McCoy
Jennifer McCoy

Canadian International School Phnom Penh

“Too many to mention! What great keynotes – they had me in tears so many times. 🙂

The sessions were really informative and the speakers were well-prepared.

The food was incredible and conference was well-planned. Great venue.

Everyone was so friendly!”

Amber Sorenson
Amber Sorenson

Chinese International School

“Some excellent workshops! Great for the opportunities to meet with like-minded and like-jobbed teachers across the globe!
Extras were great as well, such as the craft market, student panel – this was excellent.”

Victoria Astle
Victoria Astle

Concordia International School Hanoi

The level of expertise and knowledge of the presenters are excellent. In addition, I appreciate their positive attitudes, willingness to explain concepts and ahare ideas, clarity of visual aids and handouts, and opportunities to ask questions. Thank you SENIA for organizing this wonderful event!

Precious Faith Lubaton
Precious Faith Lubaton

Deutsche Schule Kobe International

The experiences shared by many speakers and how these impacted their perspectives about their own teaching and learning.


Dulwich College (Singapore)

“The keynote speakers were fantastic and relevant. I enjoyed the networking and being with peers from across the globe, in a space where we all understand and speak the language of inclusion. Most of all, I appreciated having a choice of workshops that were relevant to areas I work specifically in and hearing how others are doing things.
Thank you to all the orgainsers- you did an incredible job!”

Julie Smith
Julie Smith


“I loved to focus on building sustainable system for schools. Presenters who had workshops around this topic did a great job of breaking this huge concept into manageable chunks and really helped grow my knowledge around this area.
The SENIA conference is always a great place to meet likeminded professionals and share learning. I made meaningful connections with the topic and the attendees.

I loved the student helpers – they were very helpful in showing us around the school when needed and it was great to see them getting involved.”

Eilidh Kelso
Eilidh Kelso

Harare International School

The opportunity to connect and reflect across practices in schools all over the world.

Chantal Theron
Chantal Theron

Harare International School

I enjoyed all the topics I attended. I liked the idea of choosing my own area of attendance which gave me the opportunity to go to areas relevant to my teaching needs. The topics covered were practical. There was also a variety choice of topics with great enrichment although I could not attend some of the topics I needed. The organization was also good in so many areas. Having presenters posting notes and resources on the app will allow me to go back and download them without so much pressure. Transport to and fro hotels so efficiently organized. Thank you SENIA organizers.

Svodai Zvirawa
Svodai Zvirawa

Hong Kong international school

It was so incredible to work, experience, the presenters, and just see people, face-to-face!
*** I already filled this out but didn’t print the certificate 🙂

Melissa Sentman
Melissa Sentman

ICS Addis

The learning and community; the wealth of useful information

Denise Padgett
Denise Padgett

ICS Bangkok

The speakers, especially the ones for Differentiating the difference between EAL, Learning support…etc, and the UDL workshop was AMAZING. The keynote speakers were also great.

Dorothy Wadman
Dorothy Wadman

Imago Work

I learned many good things and have ideas that i can do in my class.

Lien Trinh
Lien Trinh

Imago Work

Sessions were amazing!It was so wonderful to have a sensory-friendly space to watch the main sessions.

Kristen Lewis
Kristen Lewis


Speaker provide new things, useful for me to apply with my students (mindfulness, emotion)

Nhung Nguyễn Thị
Nhung Nguyễn Thị

Ingenuity Education

My partner and I thoroughly enjoyed Andrew Hoover’s presentation. That was unexpected and very informative; just excellent.

Jacqueline Stewart
Jacqueline Stewart

International Christian School Hong Kong

I did enjoy having access to the slides prior to presentations. I greatly appreciate the variety of presenters. Having all of the Cynthia board members in T-shirts made it easy to find people and ask questions. I greatly appreciated hearing from variety of groups, educators, companies, parents and students.

Tammy Cole
Tammy Cole

International Community School

I really loved the sessions on EAL and Learning Differences, Regulation before Education, and the Tier 1 UDL session. All of those were really high caliber and included great information that is useful and applicable right away. I loved walking away with resources and action steps!

Jana Barr
Jana Barr

International Community School – Bangkok

Meeting so many people, hearing innovative ideas, and being able to bounce ideas off other people. There were so many insightful sessions that were full of helpful information.

Marcel Burrough
Marcel Burrough

International Community School, Bangkok

It was great to walk away with strategies I can use immediately and resources I can modify to my environment/students.

Julia Biasi
Julia Biasi

International School Ho Chi Minh City

It was a conference that provided opportunities to make connections and share a common language. The keynote speakers and presenters provided provocations and space for us to stretch our system’s edges. This is such an important conference for leaders and practitioners to attend so that authentic collaboration can truly emerge in our schools that ensures that learning is accessible for all and helps us create a more just world for our young people.

Kim Green
Kim Green

International School Ho Chi Minh City – American Academy

The speakers’ enthusiastic sharing of knowledge and tools to reduce work overload. As well as the speakers’ experience, expertise, and enthusiasm made me more motivated effort to participate in the conference throughout the three days.

Bao Huynh
Bao Huynh

International School of Ulaanbaatar

“The learning support people in attendance were validated – you could feel how happy they were to be among their peers in this special way.
A good variety of topics were covered during the sessions.
I liked that the food was ‘pre-paid’ – we didn’t have to mess about with money at lunch time, just grab what we wanted and go!
Student helpers were great.
I liked the option of hearing the key note speakers in the theatre, or live-streamed in the other rooms. The choice accommodated different types of learners.
The 3 days (2 + pre-conference) made the trip worthwhile.
The social & craft sale were good too!
Nice work, everyone!”

Jeanne Peloquin
Jeanne Peloquin


SENIA Board rocked it!

Heather Naro
Heather Naro

ISHCMC Primary

“This was my first SENIA conference and I will prioritize it as part of my PD from here on out! I really enjoyed being in an atmosphere with like-minded people. As a Grade 3 homeroom teacher I think it is so important to spread the word of this work. I have already begun doing that!

I enjoyed all of the sessions I attended but was particularly impacted by the pre-conference deep dive with Jessica Wei Huang.”


“I really enjoyed the wide range of options for workshop sessions. It was nice that some sessions were repeated, too, so that you didn’t necessarily have to miss out.
I particularly got a lot out of the session with Heidi from SAS on distinguishing the difference between EAL needs versus Language Impairment versus SLD. I would recommend having her speak at future conferences!”

Karen Santosuosso
Karen Santosuosso


I totally enjoyed networking. All the sessions were very insightful and engaging. It was wonderful to be able to connect with like-minded colleagues and to learn about what other schools are doing.



I enjoyed the variety of presentations, the food was great, Networking time was fun and the happy hour with meeting so many others was a blast. The live band also Rocked!

Chris Norman
Chris Norman

ISNS (Shenzhen, China)

Thank you SENIA and International School of Ho Chi Minh. I enjoy the experience of meeting amazing speakers and educators around the world. The topics given are very hands-on and help me to scaffold myself on the importance of inclusion in every aspect of students’ learning journey. I look forward to joining the SENIA conference in 2025. Special thank you to the SENIA team that has been so wonderful in organizing this amazing event.

Putri Wanna
Putri Wanna


Loved lots of little things like announcement reminders, signage, grab and go food at lunch, general organisation was good!

Lex Hamilton
Lex Hamilton


The networking. Lots of wonderful inclusive journeys by schools shared.

Nicky Woodward
Nicky Woodward


Besides one of the keynote speakers the rest of the presentation were amazing!!!

Emily Simbana
Emily Simbana

Kaohsiung American School

As a first time in-person conference attendee, I came away being honored to be a part of a global organization that is driving forward the mission of creating a more inclusive world. Often times, the work that we do can feel isolating and heavy day in and day out, yet my entire team came away with a greater focus on the “why.” The breakout sessions allowed each member to select topics relevant to their interests and schoolwide focus, therefore, increasing our overall capacity as a school. At times, we were reminded that we are doing good work as we were able to share our own journey and at other times we were inspired by those who have gone before and could impart their wisdom. The conference staff were incredible; they were present, supportive, and organized. I liked that it was easy to recognize them throughout the conference and that students also provided support. The school was lovely and a tremendous host. Breakouts by and large were effective.

Hannah McIntosh
Hannah McIntosh

Kaohsiung American School Taiwan

It being my first SENIA conference, it was amazing to be around so many light minded individuals and acquire knowledge to better myself and the student(s).

Audrey Sifunganyambe
Audrey Sifunganyambe

Kaoshiung American School

Excellent communication leading up to the conference. Fantastic location and great food. The pre-session with Jessica and sessions with Renee, Alejandro and the Advisory team (from ISHCMC and ICSA — I can’t recall their names…) were inspiring and left me with tools I can apply immediately.

Chelsea Armstrong
Chelsea Armstrong

Keystone Academy

The ability to share and discover ways other schools are making great changes in the right direction

Meera Raghu
Meera Raghu

KIS International School

It was an incredibly enriching experience. The workshop provided valuable insights into creating inclusive environments in educational settings. I learned about various strategies and best practices that I am excited to implement in my school to better support all students.

Marie Claude Helie
Marie Claude Helie

Lanna International School

I loved the pre conference workshop with Jessica where she did a beautiful build up across the day aligned with themes of belonging and identity. This permeated other presentations across the conference and felt really impactful and cohesive.

Rebekah Wallace
Rebekah Wallace

Lincoln Community School

I enjoyed the Pre-conference workshops, the Student Panel & the opportunity to Network with participants.

Heena Chandru Vaswani
Heena Chandru Vaswani

Mahindra International school

I enjoyed every session I went to. I came with certain questions and I am happy to go back with the answers. So thank you for this amazing community.

Rajini Ramnath
Rajini Ramnath

Mallya Aditi International School, Bangalore, India

As special educators, many things that were discussed are what we already do but it’s always good to have a refresher and hear other perspectives. Great meeting so many people in the field and realizing that some struggles are universal! Was an enriching three days.

Navaz Hormusjee
Navaz Hormusjee

Morrison Academy

The speakers and sessions were incredible. It was a really meaningful conference.

Teri Pittman
Teri Pittman

Morrison Academy

I loved the full day pre-conference with Jessica. Getting to go deeper with a full day was helpful and gave time for us to think of issues within our own school settings that we want to go back and bring change to.

Shelby Seybert
Shelby Seybert

MYIS International School

All of it. The presenters were great. The networking opportunities was nice.

Ansophie Niemand
Ansophie Niemand

Nanjing Internacional School

Sharing with others
The expertise and passion”

Ginna Daza
Ginna Daza

Nexus International School

Meeting other colleagues and listening to their stories from a different school perspective.

Philip McCabe
Philip McCabe

NIST International School

Organisation was incredible. SENIA members were easily identifiable and available to chat and answer questions. Attendees were lovely people and enthusiastic. It’s incredible what you guys have done since you started in that basement all those years ago! There will be at least the same four of us coming again next year.

Henry Cordy
Henry Cordy

Northshore Learning

Keynote speakers were dynamic. They both had messages that continue to linger with me and challenge me to grow personally and professionally.

Greta Schramm
Greta Schramm


I loved most of the workshops I attended and the networking.

Kari Jennings
Kari Jennings


Connecting with other teachers and schools; hearing from parents and students.

Lissa Mason
Lissa Mason

Ruamrudee International School

I found the breakout sessions I attended to be well done and meaningful. I have a few things that I am excited to put into practice in the next couple of weeks. The networking opportunities were also well worth the trip, it’s great to connect with likeminded individuals from around the world.

Turner McGill
Turner McGill

Ruamrudee International School

I enjoyed many different interesting topics which directly related to my job. I like it when there’re many choices to choose. Also I got to meet people who face the similar situations and share those experiences to each other. That makes joining the conference meaningful to me.

Parichart Keaopon
Parichart Keaopon

Ruamrudee International School

The speakers were experts in their field and also inspiring. It helped to have people to have guidance on each floor including the students. I appreciated the variety of healthy snacks and lunch choices. Also, having a shuttle bus helped a lot. Thank you!

Dalia Umanskiy
Dalia Umanskiy

SENIA International

Great location, presenters, networking, raffles, and snacks! Different feel achieved in a positive way.

Gerald Anthony
Gerald Anthony

Shanghai American School

I liked that there were a kot of sessions to choose from and that people were not restricted to the sessions they initially signed up for.

Blenda Abul
Blenda Abul

Shanghai Community International School

I loved networking with other like minded individuals. It validated the high quality programming our school currently has and how far we have come. I thought the conference was very well organized and thought out. There was one session with SAS on EAL where I had a major take away.

Kristi Dahlstrom
Kristi Dahlstrom

SJA Jeju

So many wonderful, knowledgeable presenters! The presenters that provided their (very valuable) resources made it easier to engage knowing we could access the info later. Thank you, what an engaging and insightful conference!

Jennifer Marotto
Jennifer Marotto

Stamford American International School

I absolutely loved the pre conference on gifted learners! It was a long day, but every bit was insightful and meaningful. I also especially loved Patricia Moore’s keynote, and am grateful for the chance to connect with other like-minded professionals in the field. The conference was smooth and well-organised, and I had everything I needed as a presenter. Thank you!!!

Mahima Bhalla
Mahima Bhalla

Sunway International Schools

“Great organization of everything.
Great communication.
Lots of opportunities for networking.
Great presenters.
Great food.

Sylvie Thibault
Sylvie Thibault

Surabaya Intercultural School

The sessions & keynotes gave me a lot of inspiration & takeaways that I can put into action as soon as I return to my school. That has made the trip absolutely worth it!

Yasoda Deva
Yasoda Deva

Surabaya Intercultural School

The sessions were very practical and helpful, especially since I learned new tools that I can use with my students. I also love that there were sessions where we could hear directly from parents and students about their school and personal experiences. Overall, it was a great conference. Thank you!

Pam Caberte
Pam Caberte


The keynote speakers were amazing, very inspirational.

Melissa Ma
Melissa Ma


Loved it all. The networking, sessions, learning, getting new ideas, the host school was amazing! Great food, loved the happy hour and vendors. Whova is wonderful, too – great resource and easy to access info. First conference in 7 years, loved it!

Jason Thornberg
Jason Thornberg


Main speakers were inspiring!

Lika Li
Lika Li

The American International School of Johannesburg

“Food was good
Loved the two keynotes
Organization was amazing”

Carla Guedes
Carla Guedes

The American International School of Johannesburg

The presentations were wonderful and it was great meeting with professionals around the world.

Stephanie Zuidervliet
Stephanie Zuidervliet

The international school of Macao

Conferences with practical tools

Karine Estadieu
Karine Estadieu

The KAUST School

The variety of workshops was amazing. I wish I could have gone to more.

Zachary Berezowski
Zachary Berezowski


Opening address was heartwarming and meaningful. I learned new things about SENIA for eg logo was designed by a student, and SENIA’s evolution over the years.

Gail Tok
Gail Tok

Tokyo International School

The best thing we can do to support students with needs/challenges is to hear what they have to say—and notice how they are perceiving and participating in learning experiences. We must ride the silver linings wave and create experiences that embrace and embed student voice and perspective. And when in doubt of how best to support students—just ask them!

Karen Robiso
Karen Robiso

UNIS Hanoi

the topics are interesting and I am able to find a session that meets my needs at every time frame

Kim Nguyen
Kim Nguyen

UNIS Hanoi

“Jessica Wei Huang was outstanding- both the pre- conference and her amazing keynote. Lots of great connections and lots of learning.a deep dive into inclusion, belonging and identity. I am going back richer for having been here.” All the many connections, the excellent organization, great reception by the host school, delicious food, lots of warm friendly faces around and lots of GREAT learning. I am definitely richer for having attended.

Nitasha Crishna
Nitasha Crishna

Utahloy International School Guangzhou

It was great to connect with others in my field. I’m the only person in primary for learning support so just having someone to connect with was really beneficial. I also liked how all the sessions had a lot of interaction. Normally at a conference it can be so tiring if it is lecture based so it was nice we had opportunities to collaborate and learn from peers.

Joe Mock
Joe Mock

UWC Thailand

It was wonderful to network and speak with other people from different schools and hear their perspectives. I enjoyed the workshops most when there was a chance to talk with others and brainstorm together.


Vinschool Times City T36

Discussions. Case studies. Pedagogy. networking opportunities.

Michael Bucksmith
Michael Bucksmith